“When I started blogging, I felt more like a turtle amidst a flock of sheep. I was really different.”
– from the Stigliano Chronicles on AgentGenius
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WHO is Matt Stigliano AND WHY ARE YOU HERE?
My name is Matt Stigliano. I’m a former rockstar turned Realtor that discovered his love of writing when I started writing a tour journal for my band back in the late 90s/early 2000s. From there I became a real estate agent, eventually working my way up to being a broker for a independent brokerage in San Antonio, Texas. This site is a mix of everything – blogging, rock ‘n roll, real estate, daily thoughts, internet weirdness, dumb opinions about even dumber stuff, and whatever my brain vomits up.
Writing Is Hard.
It shouldn’t be. We “write” volumes on a daily basis…except we don’t write it down. We say it, we think it, we picture it. We are constantly forming sentences in our heads, but we all have the same thing happen when staring at a blank page.
It all seems to disappear. It’s similar to Cindy Brady Syndrome when put in front of a camera. People freeze.
So how do we stop it? How do we just start writing and don’t look back? How do we get over the “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t have anything to say” feelings?
We’re going to find out.
That’s what I’m here for. When I first started “blogging” for real estate (previously I just thought of it as more of a journal), I wasn’t sure what, or more precisely, who, I was supposed to be. I wanted to sound like the expert, but I felt like I knew nothing…and it showed in my writing. Everyone feels like that when they start.
We’re going to change that.